Steve & Linda - The La Costa Resort & Spa

A great couple and a fantastic resort make for an amazing night, congratulations to Steve and Linda!
Brides Processional - Canon in D
1st Dance - Let's Stay Together - Seal's Version
Last Dance - Our Day Will Come  - Amy Winehouse
Hits - Smooth - Santana, OMG - Usher, 1999 -  Prince, Twist and Shout - Beatles,
Mercy - Duffy, Start Me Up - Rolling Stones
Favorite Moment - The First Dance - It was choreographed perfectly!
Favorite Element - The lighting and the flowers.
Kudos - Robin and the La Costa Team, Joe Stein with Studio Paris Photography, Rev. Holly Skinner, and Entertainment at Large.

Hi Mike - Linda & I wanted to let you know how much we appreciated your working our wedding.  You were truly the professional that we had hoped you would be and more.
The dance floor was packed and we attribute that to your ability to draw them in and to participate.
The room lighting was perfect and the songs were very danceable.  Too often, the song choices are such that they are good to listen but not so easy to dance.
So, a "BIG"  Thank You!"
 Steve Wedell

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