Kevin & Alexis - The Park Hyatt

Kevin and Alexis chose the Park Hyatt for their reception and it was the perfect place, the Avalon Ballroom looked amazing and it was a great celebration!
First Dance - At Last - Etta James
F/D Dance - Cinderella
Hits - Wannabe - Spice Girls, Zoot Suit Riot - Cherry Poppin Daddies, Edge of Glory - Lady Ga Ga,
Titanium - David Guetta, Smooth - Santana
Favorite Moment - The Flash Mob
Favorite Element - The cake, it was amazing and delicious
Kudos - Jolene, Franck and the Park Hyatt Team, Merilee and Ever After Events, Sandy Price Florals, Gene Adamos Photography and Entertainment at Large
Mike - Thank you so much for the amazing job you did as our DJ. We received countless praises on the reception and we have you to thank! We hope all is well and wish you a very blessed holiday!!
All our love - Kevin & Alexis Hermann

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